The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) is working to improve our online information and aims to make content on this website accessible to all users. Australian Government agencies are obliged by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 to ensure that online information and services are accessible to people with disabilities.

Our website has been designed and built to conform to level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version 2.0.

Our approach

The APVMA routinely undertakes accessibility reviews of the website to ensure we remain compliant with the WCAG version 2.0 at level AA.

We follow a comprehensive scoping and development process that ensures all new content and modules, including databases, are developed to align with the Digital Transformation Agency Digital Service Standard

If the content, system or form cannot be displayed in an accessible format, we will provide alternative paths to that content.

Where possible we provide information in HTML. Larger publications are provided in accessible PDF and Microsoft Word formats. 

Accessibility assistance 

If you find our information is in a format that you cannot access, or if you experience any other difficulties accessing our website or any other online information, you can:

  • email our Communications Team
  • phone for assistance on 02 6770 2300 (if you are in Australia)
  • phone +61 2 6770 2300 (if you are outside Australia).

Language services

Non-English speakers can find translation and interpreting help through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS).

National Relay Service

If you have a hearing or speech impairment and wish to contact us, you can use the National Relay Service (NRS)

  • TTY users phone 133 677 and ask for 1300 302 502
  • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 and ask for 1300 302 502
  • Internet relay users connect to the NRS and ask for 1300 302 502


The below instructions from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) explain how to browse sites in a number of different ways:


If you’re experiencing difficulty using our site, you can email us for assistance.

We will be able to respond faster if you can try to include:

  • the URL of the page you are having problems accessing
  • details about what you were trying to do and why it was difficult
  • details about your computer and software. If you don't know, maybe a friend, relative, or colleague can help you. If not, you can skip this part. Include:
  • the operating system you are using, and the version; for example, Windows 7,8 or 10, Mac OS X, or Linux Ubuntu 9.10
  • the browser software you use to view the Web, and the version; for example, Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11), Firefox 57.0, Chrome 65.0, Opera 12.xx, Safari 410.1.2, etc.
  • if it is related to the problem you are experiencing, please include:
  • any assistive technology that you use, for example, screen reader, screen magnification software or voice recognition software for input.

All constructive feedback regarding the accessibility or usability of this website is welcome and will be carefully considered.

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