You can withdraw your request for pre-application assistance by writing to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) at Please ensure your email includes the application or DC number for your application and is sent by a person authorised to communicate with APVMA on the application.

The administrative fee of $192.50 will generally be retained by the APVMA. If the application is withdrawn early and no significant work has been undertaken by the APVMA, we can consider remitting all or a portion of the pre-application assistance fee.

If you withdraw your request or do not proceed to obtain the pre-application assistance offered, and the fee or a portion of it is retained by the APVMA, you can still apply for a rebate when you subsequently lodge an application for the same product.

If, after a request for pre-application assistance is withdrawn or where you did not seek further action from the APVMA in relation to an application for pre-application assistance, you wish to obtain pre-application assistance for the same or another query, you will need to make a new request for pre-application assistance, accompanied by the required fee, through the APVMA Online Services Portal.

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