What level of detail should be in my application summary?
Please see the guidance for preparing information lists, which includes details on what we will publish and how to avoid publishing sensitive information. The information you provide us will be published verbatim.
If I include sensitive information, can it be removed?
No. We will not remove information that is published. The only time we can make amendments to the information you have provided is prior to the application being accepted in preliminary assessment. To do this, you will need to provide written permission to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) via enquiries@apvma.gov.au to change the information, including the exact words or phrases that have currently been submitted and what you would like to replace it with verbatim.
Why has my application summary changed/more details now published?
We have changed the way we publish application summaries to provide you with improved usability on the website. The summary includes details of the applications as specified in Divisions 2.1 and 2.2 of the Regulations.
Why can I no longer find my application summary online?
Application summaries will be removed from the website once the application is finalised.
Finalised applications are published in the Gazette.
Details of all agricultural and veterinary chemical products that are registered for use in Australia are published on PubCRIS.
Need to contact us?
Please email your enquiry to enquiries@apvma.gov.au.