The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has reviewed and revoked the information ‘Infringement Notice Guideline’ as a guideline made pursuant to section 6A of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (Cth) (Agvet Code), as it does not meet the intent of section 6A guidelines. However, the information contained within however may still be useful and relevant to applicants, so it has been retained for information purposes.
Table of contents
- Introduction
- What is an infringement notice?
- In what circumstances is the APVMA likely to issue an infringement notice?
- What details will be included in the infringement notice?
- What can a person do if they receive an infringement notice?
- What are the consequences of paying and not paying the infringement notice penalty?
- What are the relevant offences and amounts payable?
- Payment
- Can an infringement notice be withdrawn?
- Infringement notices issued
1. Introduction
The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) is Australia’s national regulator of agricultural and veterinary chemicals and the lead agency for the investigation of allegations of non-compliance with the laws it administers.
The APVMA is responsible for achieving these outcomes under the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code), the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992 (the Admin Act), and the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Products (Collection of Levy) Act 1994 (the Collection Act) and subordinate laws.
This information is intended to provide the public with a synopsis of the legislative provisions relevant to infringement notices and information about the APVMA’s functions and powers in relation to infringement notices.
For consistency, the APVMA treats infringement notices issued by virtue of either the Agvet Code or Admin Act in the same way.
This information is not intended to constitute legal or regulatory affairs advice.
2. What is an infringement notice?
An infringement notice is a notice issued by the APVMA, served personally or via the post, setting out the particulars of an alleged contravention of an offence or civil penalty provision.
Infringement notices describe the options available to the recipient of the notice which includes the payment of an amount set in the notice. Infringement notices may be issued by the APVMA in response to contraventions of legislation that warrant sanction, but may not warrant prosecution at that time.
Infringement notices have the advantage of allowing an offence to be dealt with quickly and reduces the burden of formal prosecution. While an infringement notice is issued because a person has contravened a civil penalty provision, payment of the fine is not an admission of guilt (although the APVMA will record the infringement notice against the person's compliance history).
3. In what circumstances is the APVMA likely to issue an infringement notice?
Section 145DA of the Agvet Code and section 69EK of the Admin Act provide that an APVMA Inspector must have reasonable grounds to believe that a person has contravened a prescribed civil penalty provision before issuing an infringement notice.
In making decisions about issuing an infringement notice, the APVMA considers the following principles:
- Infringement notices may be issued where the contravention is considered to be minor and the actual consequence is not deemed as serious.
- Infringement notices should not be issued for multiple offences arising out of the same course of conduct unless the offences go to separate and distinct aspects of that conduct.
- Infringement notices are issued to act as a deterrent. If an infringement notice is not likely to deter the offender from committing a similar offence in the future, consideration should be given to whether prosecution is a more appropriate response.
- Infringement notices should be issued as soon as reasonably possible after the offence comes to the attention of the APVMA, and no later than 12 months after the day the contravention is alleged to have taken place (see section 145DA (2) of the Agvet Code).
4. What details will be included in the infringement notice?
Section 145DB of the Agvet Code and section 69EKA of the Admin Act detail the particulars that must be present in an infringement notice. This includes a unique identified number, the date it is given, the name of the person to whom the notice is given, brief details of the alleged contravention, the amount payable, as well as advising of the consequences of paying and not paying the notice. The notice must also include information regarding the process for paying the notice, seeking a withdrawal of the notice and seeking an extension to the payment date.
5. What can a person do if they receive an infringement notice?
A recipient of an infringement notice is not obliged to pay the penalty but may choose to do so to avoid prosecution or the commencement of civil penalty proceedings. Payment of an infringement notice is not an admission of guilt and does not result in a criminal record. In most cases, the recipient will have had some contact with the APVMA prior to receiving an infringement notice. This may include a discussion about the alleged contravention and the person may be able to provide documents or information relevant to the circumstances surrounding the alleged contravention.
A person who is issued an infringement notice may communicate with the APVMA about the procedural matters relevant to the infringement notice, however, it is not appropriate for the APVMA to offer legal advice or enter into negotiation as to disputed facts. There is an important distinction between the right to be heard and arguing disputed facts. Where facts are disputed, seeking independent legal advice may be appropriate.
If a person elects to contest or seek review of an infringement notice, the APVMA will review the matter, including any submissions made by the person, to determine an appropriate outcome. This may include withdrawal of the infringement notice, reissuing of the infringement notice to another person or considering commencing civil or criminal proceedings. If a person who contests an infringement notice is found guilty, the court may impose a penalty higher than the amount of the infringement notice and may order the payment of costs and the recording of a conviction.
6. What are the consequences of paying and not paying the infringement notice penalty?
If a recipient pays the infringement notice penalty within the specified period:
- any liability of the person for the offence specified in the notice is discharged
- the person is not regarded as having been convicted of the offence
- the payment is not taken to be an admission by that person of any liability for the alleged offence
- if the alleged offence is one of importing prohibited imports, the goods are forfeited and the title to the goods immediately vests in the Commonwealth to the exclusion of all other interests in the goods. Under section 69B of the Admin Act, the APVMA may notify the Comptroller-General of Customs who may then deal with the goods as provided for in the Customs Act 1901 (Cth).
If a recipient does not pay the infringement notice amount within the specified time, the APVMA may commence civil penalty proceedings or refer the matter to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) for consideration of criminal prosecution. In such cases, the court may impose a penalty higher than the amount of the infringement notice and may order the payment of costs and the recording of a conviction.
7. What are the relevant offences and amounts payable?
Information about offence provisions and their related penalty units can be found in the following Regulations:
- Schedule 5 of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Regulations 1995.
- Schedule 5A of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Regulations 1995 (the Agvet Code Regs).
Penalty units are fixed by the Regulations and as such there is no discretion to vary the amount of the penalty imposed.
8. Payment
Section 145DE of the Agvet Code and section 69EKD of the Admin Act provide that payment of an infringement notice within the specified period discharges any liability of the person for the alleged contravention. Proceedings seeking a civil penalty order may not be brought against the person in relation to the alleged contravention once the infringement notice amount has been paid. Furthermore, the person is not regarded as having admitted liability for the alleged contravention.
8.1. Requesting an extension of the payment period
In accordance with section 145DC of the Agvet Code and section 69EKB of the Admin Act, the recipient of an infringement notice may request additional time to pay the infringement notice. Any request for additional time must be made within 28 days after the date of service of the notice. Applications should be made in writing to:
Director Assessment, Investigations and Monitoring
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
GPO Box 3262
Sydney NSW 2001
Alternatively, recipients may email If a request for additional time is not made before the end of the 28-day period, the original due date will remain and a failure to pay the infringement notice amount by that date may lead to further action by the APVMA.
9. Can an infringement notice be withdrawn?
Section 145DD of the Agvet Code and 69EKC of the Admin Act allows a person to whom an infringement notice has been given to make written representations to the APVMA seeking the withdrawal of the notice. The relevant legislation describes the matters that the APVMA must, and may take into account in deciding whether to withdraw an infringement notice.
The APVMA may withdraw infringement notices whether the recipient makes written representations or not. This could occur in circumstances where the material facts change and the APVMA considers the infringement notice is no longer appropriate, e.g. the APVMA Inspector no longer has reason to believe a contravention occurred. Alternately, the discovery of additional evidence may require a different enforcement outcome to occur, e.g. civil proceedings or criminal prosecution.
It is important to remember that payment of an infringement notice by the due date is not an admission of liability, discharges liability for the contravention and civil penalty proceedings or prosecution may not be brought in relation to that contravention. If the infringement notice is withdrawn, it does not prevent the APVMA from commencing proceedings in relation to the alleged contravention/offence.
If the APVMA decides to withdraw the infringement notice after payment is received the APVMA must refund an amount equal to that which has been paid.
10. Infringement notices issued
FY 2024–25 | |
2024/142 – January 2025 – s 78 (Agvet Code) Supplied unregistered agricultural chemical product – WA (Company) | In January 2025, the APVMA issued a Western Australia-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $23,475 pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code). The APVMA inspector has reasonable grounds to believe that the company supplied an unregistered agricultural chemical product, contrary to section 78 of the Agvet Code. |
2024/166–1 – January 2025 – s 78 (Agvet Code) Supplied unregistered agricultural chemical product – NSW (Company) | In January 2025, the APVMA issued a New South Wales-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $23,475 pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code). The APVMA inspector has reasonable grounds to believe that the company supplied an unregistered agricultural chemical product, contrary to section 78 of the Agvet Code. |
2024/166–2 – January 2025 – s 88 (Agvet Code) Published a notice offering to sell an unregistered agricultural chemical product – NSW (Company) | In January 2025, the APVMA issued a New South Wales-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $39,125 pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code). The APVMA Inspector has reasonable grounds to believe the company published notices offering to sell an unregistered agricultural chemical product, contrary to section 88 of the Agvet Code. |
2024/105 – January 2025 – s 78 (Agvet Code) Supplied unregistered veterinary chemical products – QLD (Company) | In January 2025, the APVMA issued a Queensland-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $23,475 pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code). The APVMA inspector has reasonable grounds to believe that the company supplied unregistered veterinary chemical products, contrary to section 78 of the Agvet Code. |
FY 2023–24 | |
2024/089 – November 2024 – s 79 (Agvet Code) supplied registered agricultural chemical product in contravention of conditions of registration – WA (Company) | In November 2024, the APVMA issued a West Australia-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $234,750.00, pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Code Act 1994 (Agvet Code). The APVMA Inspector has reasonable grounds to believe that the company supplied a registered agricultural chemical product in contravention of conditions of registration, contrary to section 79 of the Agvet Code. |
2024/096 – October 2024 – s 78 (Agvet Code) Supplied unregistered veterinary chemical products – SA (Company) | In October 2024, the APVMA issued a South Australia-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $23,475.00, pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (Agvet Code). The APVMA Inspector has reasonable grounds to believe the company supplied unregistered veterinary chemical products, contrary to section 78 of the Agvet Code. |
2024/063-1 – August 2024 – s 69B (Admin Act) Importation Offence – NSW (Company) | In August 2024, the APVMA issued a New South Wales based company an infringement notice in the amount of $23,475 pursuant to section 69EK of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992 (Admin Act). The APVMA Inspector has reasonable grounds to believe the company imported into Australia an unregistered veterinary chemical product, contrary to section 69B of the Admin Act. |
2023/155-1 – May 2024 – r 47C(1) (Agvet Regulations) supply hormonal growth promotant without a notification number – WA (Individual) | In May 2024, the APVMA issued a Western Australia-based individual an infringement notice in the amount of $9,390 pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code). The APVMA Inspector has reasonable grounds to believe the individual supplied a hormonal growth promotant without a notification number, contrary to regulation 47C(1) of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Regulations 1995 (the Agvet Regulations). |
2023/144-1 – January 2024 – s 78 (Agvet Code) supplied unregistered agricultural chemical product – NSW (Company) | In January 2024, the APVMA issued a New South Wales-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $23,475 pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code). The APVMA Inspector has reasonable grounds to believe the company supplied unregistered agricultural chemical products, contrary to section 78 of the Agvet Code. |
2023/144-2 – January 2024 – s 88 (Agvet Code) published notices offering to sell unregistered agricultural and veterinary chemical products – NSW (Company) | In January 2024, the APVMA issued a New South Wales-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $39,125 pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code). The APVMA Inspector has reasonable grounds to believe the company published notices offering to sell unregistered agricultural and veterinary chemical products, contrary to section 88 of the Agvet Code. |
2023/026-1 – September 2023 – s 78 (Agvet Code) Supply of chemical products that are not registered or reserved products – Vic (Company) | In September 2023, the APVMA issued a Victoria-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $23,475 pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code). The APVMA inspector has reasonable grounds to believe that the company supplied unregistered agricultural chemical products, contrary to section 78 of the Agvet Code. |
2023/026-2 – September 2023 – s 88 (Agvet Code) published a notice offering to sell unregistered chemical products – Vic (Company) | In September 2023, the APVMA issued a Victoria-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $39,125 pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code). The APVMA inspector has reasonable grounds to believe that the company published notices offering to sell unregistered agricultural chemical products, contrary to section 88 of the Agvet Code. |
2020/134 – July 2023 – s 105 (Agvet Code) Non-compliance with recall notice – Vic (Company) | In July 2023, the APVMA issued a Victoria-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $82,500 pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code). The APVMA inspector has reasonable grounds to believe that the company had failed to comply with the recall notice, contrary to section 105 of the Agvet Code. |
FY 2021–22 | |
2020/048 – February 2022 – s 89 (Agvet Code) Certain statements prohibited – NSW | In February 2022, the APVMA issued a New South Wales-based company an infringement notice in the amount of $27,750 pursuant to section 145DA of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code as scheduled to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994 (the Agvet Code). The APVMA inspector has reasonable grounds to believe that the company published false or misleading information about a chemical product, contrary to section 89 of the Agvet Code. |