The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) is seeking feedback on the draft Strategic Plan 2025–30, which outlines our vision, priorities and performance measures for the next 5 years.
The Strategic Plan provides a roadmap to ensure the APVMA continues to protect the health of people, animals, the environment, and trade through effective and transparent regulation of agricultural and veterinary chemicals.
Delivery of an updated and balanced performance framework for the APVMA, with new measures, is also an identified action for the APVMA arising from the Australian Government’s Detailed response to the Rapid Evaluation of the APVMA’s structure and governance and other reviews. We are consulting stakeholders so we can be satisfied that we have developed outcome-focused performance indicators which reflect the full range of our regulatory responsibilities, and drive us to achieve our strategic objectives.
About the Strategic Plan
The APVMA Strategic Plan 2025–30 focuses on 5 key pillars to guide our priorities and performance:
- Being a trusted, transparent and fair regulator
- Support a contemporary regulatory system
- Building foresight capability
- Striving for operational excellence
- Attracting, developing and retaining talented people
What we are seeking feedback on
We are asking stakeholders to consider the:
- clarity and relevance of the strategic pillars
- appropriateness of the proposed suite of performance measures as indicators of success.
Your insights will help us refine the Strategic Plan to ensure it is clear and aligned with stakeholder expectations.
Please note: submissions will be published on the APVMA’s website, unless you have asked for the submission to remain confidential, or if the APVMA chooses at its discretion not to publish any submissions received (refer to the public consultation coversheet).
Making a Submission
Please lodge your submission using the public consultation coversheet, which provides options for how your submission will be published.
Note that all APVMA documents are subject to the access provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and may be required to be released under that Act should a request for access be made.
Electronic submissions to the APVMA are preferred.
The closing date for submissions is Wednesday 30 April 2025.
Submissions or requests for further information can be sent to:
Director, Strategy and Governance
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
Canberra ACT 2601 Australia
Telephone: +61 2 6770 2400