Our governance

We are a corporate Commonwealth entity established and governed by the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992. As a statutory agency of the Australian Government, we are accountable to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Our governance is also regulated by the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 and the Public Service Act 1999.

We are committed to meeting high standards of governance which we consider essential to our long-term performance and sustainability as Australia's agvet chemical regulator. Our governance practices are regularly reviewed to ensure they align to Australian legislative and regulatory requirements and contemporary better practice.

Our Board

Our Board, as our governing body, is responsible for deciding the objectives, strategies and policies we follow, and ensuring that we perform our functions in a proper, efficient and effective manner. Our Board members (other than our Chief Executive Officer) are appointed by our Minister.

Our Board is the Accountable Authority for the purposes of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. In addition to its legislative framework, our Board operates in accordance with the Board Charter. The work of our Board is also assisted by our Audit and Risk Committee.

The Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Administration) Act 1992 excludes our Board from exercising the regulatory functions and powers of the APVMA, conferred by various pieces of agvet legislation. These functions and powers are exercised by our Chief Executive Officer (or their delegate).

Our Board members

NameAppointment commencedAppointment expires
Dr Catherine Ainsworth, Chair12 July 202412 July 2028
Mr Scott Hansen, Chief Executive Officer24 July 202424 July 2029
Dr Jeremy Burdon29 March 202229 March 2025
Mrs Maree Gooch29 March 202229 March 2025
Dr Steve Jefferies AM29 March 202229 March 2025

Note: All Board members, with the exception of the CEO, are appointed on a part-time basis.

Dr Catherine Ainsworth, Chair


Catherine Ainsworth, APVMA Board Chair

Dr Catherine Ainsworth was appointed Chair of the APVMA in July 2024. Dr Ainsworth has extensive experience in public sector governance and the management of agricultural research for livestock, grains, and horticulture industries. Dr Ainsworth is currently a director of Harness Racing Victoria, Racing Analytical Services Ltd and the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria. She is also a member of the Victorian Animal Welfare Advisory Council, the Biosecurity Reference Group, and the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) Animal Health Accreditation Advisory Council. Her past board appointments include the Australian Meat Processor Corporation, the Australian Horse Industry Council, and Pulse Breeding Australia.

Mr Scott Hansen, Chief Executive Officer

BRurSc, GradCertCom, GAICD

Mr Scott Hansen was appointed Chief Executive Officer in July 2024. He is an experienced executive in the primary industries sector, bringing over 30 years of leadership across various industry and government roles. He served as Director General of the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries from 2014 to 2024, and previously held positions as General Manager, Regional Manager, and Managing Director at Meat and Livestock Australia from 2004 to 2014. Mr Hansen has a Rural Science degree from the University of New England in Armidale and holds postgraduate qualifications in commerce from the University of Southern Queensland. He is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and completed the Advanced Management Programme at Oxford University.

Dr Jeremy Burdon


Jeremy Burdon, APVMA Board member

Dr Jeremy Burdon was appointed to the APVMA Board in March 2022. Dr Burdon has extensive experience in research management and planning across Australian agriculture. Currently he is independent Chair of Sugar Research Australia’s Research Funding Panel, a non-executive director of Plant Health Australia, a member of the Advisory Board of the ARC Sustainable Crop Protection Hub, and a non-executive director and Special Advisor on the Advisory Board of the Australian Plant Phenomics Facility. Previously, Dr Burdon has been a non-executive director of Sugar Research Australia, the Cotton Research and Development Corporation and the Grains Research and Development Corporation.

Mrs Maree Gooch


Maree Gooch, APVMA Board member

Mrs Maree Gooch was appointed to the APVMA Board in March 2022. Mrs Gooch’s career includes almost 25 years as an active and hands on farmer, 8 and a half years in the field of WHS and chemical safety, as well as multiple board and committee roles during her 38 plus year career. She is currently Chair of CRISP Wireless. She is also a former Board member of the Rural Business Development Corporation, Farmsafe Australia, AusChem Training, Peel Development Commission, CY O’Çonnor TAFE and the WA Chamber of Commerce WA’s SEN panel and former chair of the Rural Regional Remote Women’s Network (WA). Mrs Gooch is a Principal and Director of Value Creators, focusing on developing capacity and capability in people, businesses and industry. She also currently serves as Chair of the WA AgriFutures Rural Women's Award Committee.

Dr Steve Jefferies AM


Steve Jefferies, APVMA Board member

Dr Steve Jefferies was appointed to the APVMA Board in March 2022. He served as Acting Board Chair between July 2023 and July 2024. He is Principal of Jefferies Ag Solutions Pty Ltd, which provides specialised consultancy services to agribusiness in strategy, risk management and business growth. He was formerly the Managing Director of the Grains Research and Development Corporation and prior to that Chief Executive Officer of Australian Grain Technologies Pty Ltd. Dr Jefferies is currently Chairman of Rice Breeding Australia Ltd and was previously a non-executive Director of Grain Producers South Australia, Barley Australia and Birchip Cropping Group.

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