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Registrations and permits
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Using PubCRIS
Chemical product registration
Chemical product registration
Applying for approvals, registrations and variations
Applying for a label approval
Which products/chemicals require registration
Which products/chemicals require registration
Does my veterinary product need to be registered?
Does my veterinary product need to be registered?
User guide: what is or isn't a veterinary product?
User guide: what is or isn't a veterinary product?
Animal cosmetic products
Animal cosmetic products
Excluded animal cosmetic products – acceptable cosmetic messages
Animal feed products
Animal feed products
Acceptable nutritional messages
Feed supplements – acceptable nutritional messages
Other requirements for whole unprocessed animal tissue
Devices, equipment and physical barrier products
Other products that don't require registration
Registration self-assessment tool (veterinary)
Does my agricultural product need to be registered?
Stockfeed and petfood regulation
Stockfeed and petfood regulation
END product FAQs
Novel products
Arrangements for products of low regulatory concern
Arrangements for products of low regulatory concern
Registration models
Registration models
Oral electrolyte products for the treatment of horses in exercise
Reserved chemical products
Listed chemical product
Substances not permitted for use on food-producing animals in Australia
Lures and attractants
Before you apply
Before you apply
About the approval and registration process
Who can apply
Restricted chemical products
Conditions of approval or registration and label approval
Minor variations
The risk analysis process
Timeframes and fees
Interchangeable Constituent Determination – Item 29
What to include in your application
What to include in your application
Data guidelines
Guidance for preparing information lists
Required information
Statutory criteria
Statutory criteria
Active constituent
Chemical product
Satisfying the statutory criteria
Providing evidence of GMP
Guidance for applicants – submission of international data, standards and assessments
Guidance for applicants – submission of international data, standards and assessments
Accepted international data and standards
International and other national assessments
How to submit an international assessment
What happens once I submit my overseas/international assessment?
Guide to completing an online application
Guide to completing an online application
Online Services Portal
Decision tree
Identification, applicant and nominated agent details
Data and information lists
Data and information lists
Using the information list editor
Access to information
Packaging and storage
Submitting an application
Submitting third party information
After you apply
After you apply
Preliminary assessment process
Preliminary assessment process
Preliminary assessment guideline
Altering applications
Requiring additional information
Requiring samples to be given for analysis
Extended assessment period and maximum response period
Requesting information from applicants
Primary and secondary applications
Renew a registration
Technical policy
After registration
After registration
Changes to products and actives
Changes to products and actives
Annual returns
Annual returns
Annual returns – FAQs
Holders to notify the APVMA of new information
Levies charged on chemical products
Levies charged on chemical products
Declaration of leviable values
Notice of levy calculation
APVMA Permit-to-label project
APVMA Permit-to-label project
Permit-to-label project background
Applying for permits
Applying for permits
Before you apply
Before you apply
About the application process
Types of permits
Types of permits
Export, research and miscellaneous permits
Minor use and emergency permits
Minor use and emergency permits
Guide for determining emergency uses or research purposes
Guide for determining minor uses
Who can apply
Timeframes and fees
Ability to comply with conditions
What to include in your application
What to include in your application
Required information
Statutory criteria
Labelling requirements
After you apply
After you apply
What happens next
Requiring samples or further information
Extend the duration of a permit
Search for a permit
Data guidelines
Data guidelines
Agricultural data guidelines
Agricultural data guidelines
Adopted international technical guidance material
Chemistry and manufacture (Part 2)
Chemistry and manufacture (Part 2)
Generation of storage stability data for agricultural chemical products
Toxicology (Part 3)
Metabolism and kinetics (Part 4)
Residues (Part 5A)
Residues (Part 5A)
Specific guidelines
Overseas trade (Part 5B)
Occupational health and safety (Part 6)
Environment (Part 7)
Environment (Part 7)
Roadmap for insect pollinator risk assessments in Australia
Pesticides efficacy and crop safety general guideline (Part 8)
Pesticides efficacy and crop safety general guideline (Part 8)
Specific guidelines
Special data (Part 10) - Products of gene technology
Special data (Part 10) – Products of nanotechnology
Guideline for the regulation of biological agricultural products
Guidance on assessment and registration of anti-fouling paints
Relevant data for module levels – agricultural chemical products
Veterinary data guidelines
Veterinary data guidelines
Adopted international technical guidance material
Chemistry and manufacture (Part 2)
Chemistry and manufacture (Part 2)
Chemistry and manufacture of active constituents (Part 2)
Chemistry and manufacture of active constituents (Part 2)
Approval of active constituents for which information is not readily available
Chemistry and manufacture of products (Part 2)
Additional data guidelines for chemistry and manufacture (Part 2)
Toxicology (Part 3)
Metabolism and kinetics (Part 4)
Metabolism and kinetics (Part 4)
Comparative metabolism studies, selection of marker residues and ratios of marker residues to total residues
Residues (Part 5A)
Residues (Part 5A)
Specific guidelines
Overseas trade (Part 5B)
Overseas trade (Part 5B)
Veterinary drug residues in food commodities and overseas trade
Occupational health and safety (Part 6)
Environment (Part 7)
Efficacy and target animal safety general guideline (Part 8)
Special data (Part 10)
Specific guidelines
Relevant data for module levels – veterinary chemical products
Guidelines for data to support efficacy and safety of teat disinfectants
Crop Groups
Crop Groups
What is crop grouping?
Crop groupings project – consolidated responses to phase one consultation
Crop groupings project – consolidated responses to phase one consultation
NWPGP grain industry comments
Module descriptors
Risk assessment manuals
Labelling Codes
Labelling Codes
Agricultural Labelling Code
Veterinary Labelling Code
Veterinary Labelling Code
Specific labelling requirements
Specific labelling requirements
Anthelmintics for dogs and cats
Anthelmintics for horses
Anthelmintics for sheep, goats and cattle
Complementary animal health products
Ectoparasiticides for dogs and cats
Ectoparasiticides for sheep and goats
Hormonal growth promotants
Immunobiological products (veterinary vaccines, antisera, biologicals)
Intramammary preparations
Intraruminal products
Non-prescription injectable products
Products containing minerals
Products for application to wounds
Professional packs of oral non-prescription products
Stomach tubing products
Teat dips and sprays
Therapeutic pet food products
Preparing a label and approval process
Label content
Label content
General labelling requirements
Anthelmintics for dogs and cats
Anthelmintics for horses
Anthelmintics for sheep, goats and cattle
Complementary animal health products
Ectoparasiticides for dogs and cats
Ectoparasiticides for sheep and goats
Hormonal growth promotants
Immunobiological products (veterinary vaccines, antisera, biologicals)
Intramammary preparations
Intraruminal products
Non-prescription injectable products
Products containing minerals
Products for application to wounds
Professional packs of oral non-prescription products
Stomach tubing products
Teat dips and sprays
Therapeutic pet food products
Label presentation and layout
Label presentation and layout
Information required on labels
Label layout
Printing and legibility requirements
Additional guidance
Additional guidance
Globally harmonized system of classification and labelling
Promotional and display packs
Individual, multi- and variable dose forms
QR codes in the labelling and/or package leaflet
Removable labels for small single-dose veterinary vaccines
Professional packs of oral non-prescription veterinary products
Globally harmonized system of classification and labelling
Import and export
Import and export
Importing agricultural chemicals or veterinary medicines
Export permits
Export certificates
Export certificates
Before you apply
Before you apply
About the application process
Timeframes and fees
Who can apply
Common types of certificates
What to include in your application
What to include in your application
Information to be provided with a request for a section 70 certificate
Consent to import chemical products
Holders and nominated agents
Holders and nominated agents
Change a holder or nominated agent
Change a holder or nominated agent
Timeframes and fees for changing a holder or nominated agent
Definition of roles and actions for holders, nominated and authorised agents and authorising parties
Other government requirements
Other government requirements
Drinking water guidelines – pesticides
Limits on use and disclosure of information
Limits on use and disclosure of information
Limitation periods
Information lists
Authorising party
Application guidance
Application guidance
I want to register a new product with an existing active or new combination of approved actives
I want to register a new product with an existing active or new combination of approved actives
I want to register a new agricultural product with an existing active or new combination of approved actives
I want to register a new veterinary product with an existing active or new combination of approved actives
I want to register a new product that contains a new active constituent
I want to register a new product that contains a new active constituent
I want to register a new agricultural product that contains a new active constituent – full assessment (Item 1)
I want to register a new agricultural product that contains a new active constituent – less than a full assessment (Item 2)
I want to register a new veterinary product that contains a new active constituent (Item 2)
I want to register a product that is based on an existing registered reference product
I want to register a product that is based on an existing registered reference product
I want to register an agricultural product that is similar to a registered reference product and efficacy and safety and chemistry and manufacture data is required (Item 5)
I want to register an agricultural product that is closely similar to a registered reference product and chemistry data is required (Item 6)
I want to register an agricultural product that is closely similar to a registered reference product – no further data required (Item 7)
I want to register a veterinary product that is based on an existing registered reference product and similar efficacy, safety, chemistry and manufacture data is required (Item 5)
I want to register a veterinary product that is based on an existing registered reference product and is closely similar and only chemistry data is required (Item 6)
I want to register a veterinary product that is based on an existing registered reference product and is closely similar and data is not required (Item 7)
I want to register a product that is the same as a reference product
I want to register a product that is the same as a reference product
I want to register an agricultural product that is the same as a reference product (Item 8)
I want to register a veterinary product that is the same as a reference product (Item 8)
I want to register a product and apply for the concurrent approval of a new source of active
I want to register or vary a product and I need information on spray drift assessment and labelling
I want an additional marketing name for my existing registered product
I want an additional marketing name for my existing registered product
I want an additional marketing name for my existing registered agricultural product
I want an additional marketing name for my existing registered veterinary product
I want to vary my product to amend a restraint, contraindication, precaution or side effect statement (vet products only)
I want to vary my product to amend a restraint, contraindication, precaution or side effect statement (vet products only)
I want to vary my product to amend a restraint, contraindication, precaution or side effect statement (vet products only) and no technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary my product to amend a restraint, contraindication, precaution or side effect statement (vet products only) and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to vary my product to alter the shelf life/expiry date, in-use shelf life and/or storage conditions
I want to vary my product to alter the shelf life/expiry date, in-use shelf life and/or storage conditions
I want to vary my agricultural product to alter the shelf life/expiry date, in-use shelf life and/or storage conditions
I want to vary my agricultural product to alter the shelf life/expiry date, in-use shelf life and/or storage conditions
I want to vary my agricultural product to alter the shelf life/expiry date, in-use shelf life and/or storage conditions and no technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary my agricultural product to alter the shelf life/expiry date, in-use shelf life and/or storage conditions and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to vary my veterinary product to alter the shelf life/expiry date, in-use shelf life and/or storage conditions
I want to vary my veterinary product to alter the shelf life/expiry date, in-use shelf life and/or storage conditions
I want to vary my veterinary product to alter the shelf life/expiry date, in-use shelf life and/or storage conditions and no technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary my veterinary product to alter the shelf life/expiry date, in-use shelf life and/or storage conditions and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to vary a re-entry or handling instruction for my product
I want to vary a re-entry or handling instruction for my product
I want to vary a re-entry or handling instruction for my agricultural product and no technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary a re-entry or handling instruction for my agricultural product and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to vary a re-entry or handling instruction for my veterinary product and no technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary a re-entry or handling instruction for my veterinary product and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to vary a withholding period and/or export interval
I want to vary a withholding period and/or export interval
I want to vary a withholding period and/or export interval for an agricultural product and no technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary a withholding period and/or export interval for an agricultural product and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to vary a withholding period and/or export interval for a veterinary product and no technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary a withholding period and/or export interval for a veterinary product and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to vary the use of a product to include a new crop, animal species or situation
I want to vary the use of a product to include a new crop, animal species or situation
I want to vary the use of an agricultural product to include a new crop or situation and no technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary the use of an agricultural product to include a non-food producing crop or situation (Item 14)
I want to vary the use of an agricultural product to include a food producing crop or situation (Item 14)
I want to vary the use of a veterinary product to include a new animal species or situation and no data of a technical nature is required (Item 12)
I want to vary the use of a veterinary product to include a non-food species, including companion animals (Item 14)
I want to vary the use of a veterinary product to include a food producing animal species (Item 14)
I want to vary the sites of product manufacture
I want to vary the sites of product manufacture
I want to vary the site of manufacture for my veterinary product and the variation involves the addition of an overseas site of manufacture that performs a primary step/s of manufacture
Guideline for the transfer of a manufacturing site for immunobiological products
I want to vary the pack size of my registered product
I want to vary the use of a product to include a new use, new application method, or new use instructions within an existing crop or situation (agricultural chemical products only)
I want to vary the use of a product to include a new use, new application method, or new use instructions within an existing crop or situation (agricultural chemical products only)
I want to vary the use of an agricultural product to include a new use, new application method, or new use instructions within an existing crop or situation and no technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary the use of an agricultural product to include a new use, new application method, or new use instructions within an existing crop or situation and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to vary the use of an agricultural product to include a new use, new application method, or new use instructions within an existing crop or situation and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to vary my agricultural product to make a change to the product formulation and a Prescribed Variation is required (Item 13A – only changes to non-active constituents in limited circumstances)
I want to vary my product to make a change to the product formulation
I want to vary my product to make a change to the product formulation
I want to vary my agricultural product to make a change to the product formulation and a Prescribed Variation is required (Item 13A – only changes to non-active constituents in limited circumstances)
I want to vary my agricultural product to make a change to the product formulation and no technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary my agricultural product to make a change to the product formulation and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to vary my veterinary product to make a change to the product formulation and a Prescribed Variation is required (Item 13A – only changes to non-active constituents in limited circumstances)
I want to vary my veterinary product to make a change to the product formulation and no technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary my veterinary product to make a change to the product formulation and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to vary my product to include a new dose rate, frequency, route of administration or application method (vet products only)
I want to vary my product to include a new dose rate, frequency, route of administration or application method (vet products only)
I want to vary my product to include a new dose rate, frequency, route of administration or application method (vet products only) No technical assessment is required (Item 12)
I want to vary my veterinary product to include a new dose rate, frequency, route of administration or application method and a technical assessment is required (Item 14)
I want to submit a timeshift application
Active constituent applications guidance
Training resources
Training resources
Permits module
Registrations module
Get assistance
Get assistance
Pre-application assistance
Pre-application assistance
Applying for pre-application assistance
Getting the most out of pre-application assistance
Pre-application assistance – timeframes and fees
How to withdraw a request for pre-application assistance
Technical assessment
Seek review of a decision
Seek review of a decision
Reviewing decisions
Approval or variation of an active constituent or registration
Application summaries
Application summaries
Application summaries FAQs
Chemicals and products
Chemicals and products
Active constituents
Active constituents
APVMA standards for active constituents for use in agricultural chemical products
Active constituents exempt from the requirements of APVMA approval for use in agricultural or veterinary chemical products
General list of impurities and classes of impurities of toxicological concern for agricultural active constituents
Approval of active constituents
Uniform expression of active constituents
FAISD Handbook
Health based guidance values
Health based guidance values
Acceptable daily intakes for agricultural and veterinary chemicals
Acute reference doses for agricultural and veterinary chemicals
Pesticides and veterinary residues
Pesticides and veterinary residues
Export slaughter intervals – cattle
Export slaughter intervals – sheep
Scheduled drugs and poisons
Adverse Experience Reporting Program
Chemical review
Chemical review
Chemical review process
Chemical review process
Legislative basis
History of the chemical review program
The reconsideration process
Timeframes for chemical reviews
Listing of chemical reviews
Listing of chemical reviews
Chemicals prioritised for reconsideration
Label reviews
Label reviews
Anticoagulant rodenticides
Technical note on standards for the classification of nozzles in Australia
Technical note on aquatic regulatory acceptable level calculation
Mercury fungicides
Reconsiderations listed in the Ministerial Direction
List of voluntary cancellations at the request of the holder
Voluntary suspensions at the request of the holder
Prioritisation of chemicals nominated for review
2010 spray drift label review nominations
Compliance and enforcement
Compliance and enforcement
Enforceable Undertakings
Formal warnings
Infringement notices
Notice to attend, give information or produce documents or items
Substantiation notices
Responsibilities of holders
How we monitor compliance
Hormonal growth promotants
Hormonal growth promotants
List of current Hormonal Growth Promotant notification numbers
Levy audit program
COVID-19: advice for veterinary medicine manufacturers and holders
Manufacturing licences
Manufacturing licences
Manufacturers’ Licensing Scheme
Applying for a manufacturing licence
Who can apply
Manufacturing licence fees
Licence conditions
Apply now
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After you apply
Variation of a manufacturing licence
Audits to obtain and vary a licence
Responsibilities of manufacturers
Exporting veterinary chemical products
Manufacturing overseas
Manufacturing overseas
GMP in overseas premises
Recognition of overseas GMP authorities
Overseas GMP documentation
Acceptable evidence of GMP compliance
APVMA audits of overseas manufacturers
Contract manufacture
Contract manufacture
Release for supply
Performing release for supply
Responsibilities in contract manufacture
Good Manufacturing Practice
Good Manufacturing Practice
The legislative basis for the APVMA’s role in manufacturing quality and licensing
Manufacturing Principles
Veterinary manufacturing permit
Arranging and undergoing an audit
Audit ratings and scores
Audits of Australian veterinary chemical product manufacturing sites
Audits of overseas manufacturing sites by APVMA-authorised auditors
Audit closure
The GMP audit cycle
Risk-based scheduling of GMP audits
Audits – FAQs
Licensed manufacturers
List of recalls
Report a problem
Report a problem
Report an adverse experience
(Opens in a new tab/window)
Report suspected non-compliance
Holders to notify the APVMA of new information
Chemicals in the news
Chemicals in the news
Cannabis in veterinary chemical products
Glyphosate in Australia
How does the APVMA determine an agricultural chemical is safe to use in Australia?
The APVMA’s previous assessments of glyphosate
The IARC assessment explained
How is glyphosate regulated around the world?
Importing chemicals
Supplying chemicals
Using chemicals
Using chemicals
Information for farmers
Information for veterinarians
Choosing a chemical
Understanding pesticide chemical labels
Concerns about chemicals
Using chemicals correctly
Using chemicals correctly
Workplace health and safety
Protective clothing
Spraying chemicals
Using veterinary medicines
Using pool chemicals
Spray drift
Spray drift
Spray drift definitions
Spray drift risk operating principles
Spray Drift Management Tool permit
Emerging technologies
About us
About us
APVMA basics
APVMA basics
What we regulate
Our functions and powers
Our functions and powers
Ongoing compliance to ensure safety and efficacy
Acronyms and glossary
Acronyms and glossary
Abbreviations and acronyms
Definition of terms
Our cost recovery arrangements
Our cost recovery arrangements
2024 cost recovery review
Our history
Our legislative framework
Our structure
Our structure
Audit and Risk Committee
Agvet chemical regulation
Agvet chemical regulation
Access to safe and effective agvet chemicals
The Record and Register
Domestic collaboration
PubCRIS and Permits databases
Product regulation according to risk
Risk management
Use of agvet chemicals in Australia
Access to information held by the APVMA
Access to information held by the APVMA
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code requests
Freedom of Information
Freedom of Information
Freedom of information disclosure log
Accountability and reporting
Accountability and reporting
Annual product sales data
Annual product sales data
Publication of annual product sales data: 2022–23
APS Employee Census
Contracts over $100,000
Gifts and benefits
Indexed list of files
Information Publication Scheme
Information Publication Scheme
Information publication scheme agency plan
Performance statistics
Performance statistics
September 2024 performance report
September 2024 performance report
Applications in detail
Applications by item number
Average decision time
June 2024 performance report
June 2024 performance report
Applications in detail
Applications by item number
Average decision time
March 2024 performance report
March 2024 performance report
Applications in detail
Applications by item number
Average decision time
December 2023 performance report
December 2023 performance report
Applications in detail
Applications by item number
Average decision time
September 2023 performance report
September 2023 performance report
Applications in detail
Applications by item number
Average decision time
Glossary of terms
Portfolio budget statements
Public Interest Certificates
Statutory appointments
Benefits and conditions
Graduate Development Program
Procedures for determining breaches of the APS Code of Conduct
Communication and decision making
Communication and decision making
Section 6A Guidelines
Section 6A Guidelines
Overarching principles and processes for the effective and efficient regulation of agricultural and veterinary chemical products
Approvals and registrations
Remitting certain application fees under the Agvet Code
Recategorising applications
Requesting information from applicants
Limits on use of information
Reconsidering approvals and registrations
Varying relevant particulars and conditions
Formulation types
Previous s 6A Guidelines
Communication between applicants and the APVMA
Communication between applicants and the APVMA
Service charter
Data handling by the APVMA
Data handling by the APVMA
Guidance on applications involving reference products
CCI Practice Statement
External advice
Stakeholder engagement
Stakeholder engagement
APVMA Advisory Group
Agricultural Chemicals Working Group
Veterinary Medicines Working Group
Stakeholder Survey
International collaboration
International collaboration
International activities
International activities
International chemical conventions
International participation
International standards and guidance
International engagement strategy
Use of international assessments
Use of international assessments
Collaborative and international assessments
Guidance on veterinary drug joint reviews
Guidance on veterinary drug joint reviews
UK–AU guidance on veterinary medicines simultaneous reviews
Our website and your privacy
Online Services Portal
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News, forms and publications
News, forms and publications
Chemicals in the news
Media releases
APVMA Gazette
Annual Reports
Corporate Plan
Public consultations
Public consultations
Public Release Summaries
Trade Advice Notices
How we consult with stakeholders
Contact us
Contact us
Social media
Registrations and permits
Search products and permits
Chemical product registration
Applying for permits
Data guidelines
Labelling Codes
Import and export
Holders and nominated agents
Other government requirements
Limits on use and disclosure of information
Application guidance
Get assistance
Seek review of a decision
Application summaries
Chemicals and products
Active constituents
FAISD Handbook
Health based guidance values
Pesticides and veterinary residues
Scheduled drugs and poisons
Adverse Experience Reporting Program
Chemical review
Compliance and enforcement
Hormonal growth promotants
Levy audit program
Report a problem
Chemicals in the news
Importing chemicals
Supplying chemicals
Using chemicals
News, forms and publications
Response to GMP audit report
Response to GMP audit report
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Publication date
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