This list contains business information that should only be used to verify eligibility to acquire and supply Hormonal Growth Promotants (HGPs). It is sorted into tables by state or territory, and then alphabetically by company name.

If a notification number does not appear on this list please contact us on +61 2 6770 2302 before supplying HGPs.

To be notified by email when this list is updated, please complete a subscription form and select 'Updates to HGP notification numbers'.

New South Wales HGP suppliers

CompanyAddressCityStateNotificationExpiry date
Ag n Vet Management Services Pty Ltd55–57 Aberford StCoonambleNSWNRA080630/6/2025
Ag n Vet Management Services Pty Ltd41 Evelyn StreetEugowraNSWNRA098830/6/2025
AGnVET Management Services Pty Ltd31–33 Bomen RdWagga WaggaNSWNRA134330/6/2025
C.B. Hart Pty Ltd73 Manilla StManillaNSWNRA109830/6/2025
Coolac Veterinary Services Pty LtdShop 2, 246-250 Sheridan StreetGundagaiNSWNRA140030/6/2025
Delta Agribusiness Pty Ltd83–89 Marshall StGoondiwindiNSWNRA130630/6/2025
Elanco Australasia Pty Ltd227 Walters RdArndell ParkNSWNRA125930/6/2025
Elanco Australasia Pty Ltd25 Ottelia RdKemps CreekNSWNRA131330/6/2025
Elanco Australasia Pty Ltd5 Millner AveHorsley ParkNSWNRA138015/10/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited9 Wallamore RdTamworthNSWNRA001730/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited234–238 Sheridan StGundagaiNSWNRA137925/8/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited120 Lambeth StGlen InnesNSWNRA138120/10/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited116-118 Parker StCootamundraNSWNRA139326/4/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited32 Vennacher StMerriwaNSWNRA14285/7/2025
Grazag Pty Ltd12 Ampol StArmidale NSWNRA13602/7/2025
Hugh John Ryan T/A HR Veterinary19 Russell StTamworthNSWNRA145725/09/2025
Intervet Australia Pty Ltd (t/a MSD Animal Health)5 Millner AveHorsley ParkNSWNRA128030/6/2025
JM & PJ King Pty Ltd trading as Walcha Veterinary Supplies6 Aberbaldie RdWalchaNSWNRA109030/6/2025
McGeechan Farm Supplies Pty Ltd139 Goulburn StCrookwellNSWNRA13637/7/2025
McGregor Gourlay Pty Ltd419 Frome StMoreeNSWNRA141630/9/2025
Merriwa Petroleum & AG Supplies Pty Ltd19 Vennacher StMerriwaNSWNRA129330/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited133 Gunnedah RdTamworthNSWNRA065230/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited12 Francis StNarrabriNSWNRA067530/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited85–87 Aberford StCoonambleNSWNRA074230/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited11–15 Greenbah RdMoreeNSWNRA078230/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited15–23 Barnes StCootamundraNSWNRA100530/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited53–55 Moorong StWagga WaggaNSWNRA101630/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited162 St George StMungindiNSWNRA104230/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited262–264 Byron StInverellNSWNRA117930/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited21 Purvis LaneDubboNSWNRA127430/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited16138 Riverina HwyFinleyNSWNRA132130/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited88 Kelly StSconeNSWNRA134030/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited143 Dubbo StWarrenNSWNRA137512/8/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited6 Endeavour DrArmidaleNSWNRA142423/5/2025
Pitman Deakin Pty Ltd135 Balo StMoreeNSWNRA088430/6/2025
Pursehouse Rural Pty Ltd89–91 Loder StQuirindiNSWNRA100430/6/2025
Say & Co Rural Pty Ltd118 Wentworth StGlen InnesNSWNRA141322/8/2025
Stock & Crop70 Old Manilla RoadBarrabaNSWNRA145528/08/2025
Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd5 Millner AvHorsley ParkNSWNRA121230/6/2025

Northern Territory HGP suppliers

CompanyAddressCityStateNotificationExpiry date
Elders Rural Services Australia LimitedUnit 7, 84 Bicentennial RdKatherineNTNRA13967/6/2025
Farraday Pty Ltd trading under the registered business name Northern Veterinary Services1450 Stuart HwyBees CreekNTNRA080830/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited33 Chardon StKatherineNTNRA119530/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions LimitedLot 1 Arnhem HwyHumpty DooNTNRA129430/6/2025
Swan Hill Chemicals t/a NT Ag Supplies28 Vereker StHumpty DooNTNRA146612/3/2026
Victoria River Veterinary Services Pty Ltd502 Whitewood RdHoward SpringsNTNRA123430/6/2025

Queensland HGP suppliers

CompanyAddressCityStateNotificationExpiry date
@Ag Pty Ltd10 Brahman StMiddlemountQLDNRA13881/2/2026
AJ & VA Pearce Pty LtdShop 1 Leichhardt Arcade 37–39 Yaldwyn StTaroomQLDNRA130130/6/2025
Alpha Merchandise Pty Ltd7 Burns StAlphaQLDNRA019430/6/2025
Artesian Poly Products Pty Ltd36–40 Cambridge StMitchellQLDNRA117630/6/2025
B&W Rural Pty Ltd24 Lagoon StGoondiwindiQLDNRA122230/6/2025
Bilba Enterprises Pty ATF The Bilba Trust trading as Northern Stock Water6 Scarr StCloncurryQLDNRA13926/4/2025
Bovine Dynamics Pty LtdUnit 12, 9–13 Princeton StKenmoreQLDNRA131830/6/2025
Burnett Ag Supplies Pty Ltd12 Warton StGayndahQLDNRA133330/6/2025
Camrose Rural Trading Pty Ltd99 Grey StSt GeorgeQLDNRA14631/2/2026
Cawdor International Pty Ltd trading as Raff Group97–99 Campbell StMillmerranQLDNRA103630/6/2025
CB Hill Pty Ltd11 Lister StMonto QLDNRA137016/7/2025
Central Queensland Rural Traders Pty Ltd1/101 Hospital RdEmeraldQLDNRA139014/3/2026
Condamine Rural Pty Ltd t/a Condamine Seeds and Tyres7–9 Wambo StCondamineQLDNRA139416/5/2025
Country Vet Wholesaling Pty LtdUnit 3, 7–9 Gardner CtWilsontonQLDNRA142626/5/2025
Dalby Rural Holdings Pty Ltd18079 Warrego HwyDalbyQLDNRA132830/6/2025
Dunkeld Enterprises Pty Ltd26 Reynolds StMareebaQLDNRA079230/6/2025
E.E. Muir & Sons Pty Ltd12 Strathdee StMundubberaQLDNRA135016/3/2026
E.E. Muir & Sons Pty Ltd107 River RdKingaroyQLDNRA137720/8/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited127B Tenthill Creek RoadGattonQLDNRA145030/4/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited29 Bolam StGarbuttQLDNRA035830/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia LimitedOld Sheepyard PlEmeraldQLDNRA056130/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited108 Spoonbill StLongreachQLDNRA056230/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited29A Dawson StMilesQLDNRA063330/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited1 Black StDalbyQLDNRA065830/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited48 Capricorn StClermontQLDNRA079330/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited197 Barkley HwyMt IsaQLDNRA093130/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia LimitedLot 4 Goondi Mill RdInnisfailQLDNRA102730/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited148 Shamrock StBlackallQLDNRA124130/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited14 Stanley StRockhamptonQLDNRA126230/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited87–89 Dawson PdeMouraQLDNRA129730/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited189 Grey StSt GeorgeQLDNRA13561/7/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited14687 Surat Development RoadTaraQLDNRA146125/10/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited29 Albrecht StTolgaQLDNRA13571/7/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited397–427 South StToowoombaQLDNRA13581/7/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited60 Goldring StRichmondQLDNRA137620/8/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited2 Hugh Quinn CresQueentonQLDNRA13951/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited33 Albert StInglewoodQLDNRA140928/7/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited40 Byrne StJulia CreekQLDNRA141823/12/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited15310 Bunya HwyMurgonQLDNRA142221/3/2026
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited2–4 Tiffin StRomaQLDNRA142318/5/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited20 Manuka StWintonQLDNRA14356/9/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited24 Zupp RdWandoanQLDNRA143909/8/2025
George Booth Townsville Pty Ltd trading under the registered business name Booth Rural250 Charters Towers RdHermit ParkQLDNRA100130/6/2025
George Booth Townsville Pty Ltd trading under the registered business name Booth Rural32 Burke StJulia CreekQLDNRA117130/6/2025
George W Booth Family Trust trading as Booth Rural24 Gray StHughendenQLDNRA132930/6/2025
Gunther Pty Ltd trading as Tara Rural Supplies46 Day StTaraQLDNRA069129/7/2025
Hollimans Pty Ltd60 New Queen RdQueentonQLDNRA14104/8/2025
Kamare Pty Ltd t/a Kilkoy Rural31 William StKilkoyQLDNRA144505/02/2026
Keune Investments Pty Ltd trading as Clermont Agencies15 Frederick StClermontQLDNRA096430/6/2025
Killarney Cooperative Limited32–42 Ivy StKillarneyQLDNRA017730/6/2025
LICX Pty Ltd70 West StToowoombaQLDNRA110230/6/2025
McGregor Gourlay Pty Ltd326 Anzac AvToowoombaQLDNRA144621/02/2026
McGregor Gourlay Pty Ltd18 Boodle StGoondiwindiQLDNRA139917/6/2025
Mitchell Family Venture T/A Monto Rural Traders20 Rutherford StMontoQLDNRA145317/7/2025
Morven Rural61 Albert StMorvenQLDNRA138521/12/2025
Nedloh Pty Ltd1–3 Boonara StGoomeriQLDNRA138625/1/2026
Nielsen Agriculture Pty Ltd t/a Flinders Rural23–25 Brodie StHughendenQLDNRA143425/8/2025
Noffkes' Rural Real Estate & Livestock Pty Ltd62 Eclipse StSpringsureQLDNRA096530/6/2025
Norco Cooperative Ltd59 Dalgangal RdGayndahQLDNRA124930/6/2025
Norco Cooperative Ltd22 Carrel DrHarristown, ToowoombaQLDNRA141719/12/2025
North West Rural Supplies Pty LtdLot 15 Troy DrGoondiwindiQLDNRA115530/6/2025
Northern Rural Group Pty Ltd383 Woolcock StGarbuttQLDNRA116430/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited43A Sheaffe StCloncurryQLDNRA067430/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited388 Taylor StToowoombaQLDNRA084030/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited139 Mitchell HwyCharlevilleQLDNRA094430/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited68 Arthur StRomaQLDNRA097030/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited66 Gladstone RdRockhamptonQLDNRA101330/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited21 Dawson StTaroomQLDNRA105130/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited140 Eagle StLongreachQLDNRA105330/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited103 Shamrock StBlackallQLDNRA106130/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited66 Elderslie StWintonQLDNRA106230/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited84–86 Warrego HwyChinchillaQLDNRA109930/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited183 Grey StSt GeorgeQLDNRA110530/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited89–91 Yandilla StPittsworthQLDNRA111330/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited9A Blacks RdCharters TowersQLDNRA114830/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions LimitedLot 2, 15738 Gregory HwyClermontQLDNRA119330/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited6 Dixon StDalbyQLDNRA121930/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions LimitedLot 2 Kilala DrMundubberaQLDNRA125430/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited22 Zupp RdWandoanQLDNRA127730/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited6–8 Martin Tenni DrMareebaQLDNRA129030/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited71 Goldring StRichmondQLDNRA133130/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited23 Hicks StEmeraldQLDNRA138728/1/2026
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited12 Macalister StMurgonQLDNRA140224/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited7 Browns RdChildersQLDNRA140527/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited21–29 Youngman StKingaroyQLDNRA140627/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited59 Enterprise StPagetQLDNRA141415/9/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited19091 Bruce HighwayBowenQLDNRA144027/11/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions LimitedLot 1 Maude StreetMeandarraQLDNRA144112/12/2025
PPV Holdings Pty Ltd T/A Protein Production Veterinarians3 Barry StMt LoftyQLDNRA145825/09/2025
Provet Pty Ltd48 Bell–Are AvNorthgateQLDNRA117030/6/2025
Pursehouse Rural Pty Ltd10 Forest Plains RdAlloraQLDNRA122330/6/2025
Pursehouse Rural Pty Ltd14 Mallard RdPittsworthQLDNRA130430/6/2025
Pursehouse Rural Pty Ltd34 Homebush RdSarinaQLDNRA133530/6/2025
Pursehouse Rural Pty Ltd33 High StTexasQLDNRA144930/6/2025
Pursehouse Rural Pty Ltd9–13 Charles StreetInnisfailQLDNRA14674/3/2026
Silvameer Pty Limited B/N Brodie Hardware & RuralCnr Sheaffe & Scarr StreetsCloncurryQLDNRA14317/7/2025
Specialist Sales Pty LtdShop 10/1–5 Gardner Court WilsontonQLDNRA145210/6/2025
Springsure Rural Pty Ltd66 Quarry StSpringsureQLDNRA126630/6/2025
Sunshine Hardware Pty Ltd49 McDowall StRomaQLDNRA114530/6/2025
TGT Pty Ltd13 Reynolds StMareebaQLDNRA099830/6/2025
Total Rural Supplies Rockhampton Pty Ltd12 Dunstan StBaralabaQLDNRA145129/5/2025
Total Rural Supplies Rockhampton Pty Ltd264–274 Denison StRockhamptonQLDNRA13518/4/2025
Total Rural Supplies Toowoomba Pty Ltd471–473 Boundary StToowoombaQLDNRA140327/6/2025
WD Rural2 Sara StreetMeandarraQLDNRA146206/11/2025
Wood Ag Pty Ltd68 Murilla StMilesQLDNRA14361/10/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited9-11 Dingyarra StreetToogoolawahQLDNRA146422/01/2026
Rolleston Ag Traders Pty Ltd32 Warrijo StreetRollestonQLDNRA 146522/01/2026

South Australia HGP suppliers

CompanyAddressCityStateNotificationExpiry date
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited290 Glenelg River Rd, OB Flat Mount GambierSANRA144702/04/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited26 Second StOrrorooSANRA142110/3/2026
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited25 Brighton DrNaracoorteSANRA124730/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited397 Commercial St WestMount GambierSANRA130530/6/2025
Topdaine Pty Ltd b/n Millicent Farm SuppliesNorth TceMillicentSANRA123730/6/2025

Victoria HGP suppliers

CompanyAddressCityStateNotificationExpiry date
Australian Independent Rural Retailers Pty Ltd trading as Kober29–35 Cornelia Creek RdEchucaVicNRA133230/6/2025
Country Vet Wholesaling Pty Ltd27–33 Piper LnEast BendigoVicNRA142526/5/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited109 Midland HwyEpsomVicNRA126530/6/2025
Intervet Australia Pty Ltd (t/a MSD Animal Health)91–105 Harpin StBendigo EastVicNRA050330/6/2025
No Bull Veterinary Services Pty Ltd127 Cohuna Island RdCohunaVicNRA14373/10/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited61 Ogilvie AvEchucaVicNRA120830/6/2025
South West Farmers Rural Pty Ltd36 Edgar StHeywoodVicNRA145419/08/2025
V&S Wholesaling Pty Ltd142 Clarke LaneNewsteadVicNRA144814/4/2025

Western Australia HGP suppliers

CompanyAddressCityStateNotificationExpiry date
The trustee for the Bradshaw Family Trust & VETLOGIC PTY LTD12 Bradman StBusseltonWANRA127230/6/2025
Busselton Agricultural Services (WA) Pty Ltd41–43 Barlee StBusseltonWANRA123530/6/2025
Clarke & Stokes Agriservices Pty LtdUnit 2 61 Norseman RdCastletownWANRA142728/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited17 Giblett StManjimupWANRA047830/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited189 Chester Pass RdAlbanyWANRA086430/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia LimitedLot 261 Loch StDerbyWANRA125330/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited28 Marshall StHydenWANRA134630/6/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited32 McCombe Rd, DavenportBunburyWANRA13657/7/2025
Elders Rural Services Australia Limited t/a Northern Rural SuppliesLot 1 Archer StBroomeWANRA135427/5/2025
Farmgate Esperance Pty Ltd18 Gilpin StreetEsperanceWANRA145618/09/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited32 Farrall RdMidvaleWANRA145914/10/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited10 Mcdonald AveMount BarkerWANRA146014/10/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited38 Norseman RdEsperanceWANRA046530/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited18 Lynch StHydenWANRA058630/6/2025
Nutrien Ag Solutions Limited2 Alto ClBroomeWANRA134730/6/2025
The Colin & Cindy Dunkeld Trust trading as Newdegate Stock and Trading Co188 McCraken RdNewdegateWANRA13736/8/2025
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