In progress

Click on the tabs for more information about the status of each phase in the review process. For more information about how each phase is conducted, please read about the reconsideration process.

Work Plan

Click on the tabs for more information about the status of each phase in the review process. For more information about how each phase is conducted, please read about the reconsideration process.

Fipronil Timeframe calculation pursuant to Regulation 85 of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Regulations 1995
A + B + 2E + 3C + J + D + X = 36 months

A = 7 months (Environment – level 2)
B = 13 months (Residues – level 1, OH&S – level 2*)
C = 3 months (Finalisation – type 1)
D = 4 months
E = 0 months
J = 3 months (consultation with jurisdictional coordinator)
X = 0 months (in any other case)

*pre-December 2022 module descriptions
1. Nomination Completed

1. Nomination

Phase status: Completed

Fipronil active constituents, chemical products and labels were nominated in 2002 for review following the receipt of a number of adverse experiences reports, primarily in veterinary chemical products.

2. Prioritisation Completed

2. Prioritisation

Phase status: Completed

3. Scoping and work plan Completed

3. Scoping and work plan

Phase status: Completed

The scope of the review includes reconsideration of fipronil active constituents, chemical products and labels through assessments related to toxicology, work health and safety, chemistry, environment and residues.

The scope of the review was extended to include the environment in 2012.

The review scope documents (2003 and 2012) are available in the publication archive tab.

The work plan was first published on 1 July 2015.

The scope of the review was extended to include residues and trade in 2022.

4. Notice of reconsideration Completed

4. Notice of reconsideration

Phase status: Completed

The s 32 notice of reconsideration for active constituents, chemical products and labels for fipronil was published in the Gazette on 7 October 2003.

The s 32 notice of reconsideration was given to holders and chemical coordinators of the states and territories on commencement of the review on 1 October 2003.

The deadline for data to be submitted was extended in the Gazette of 2 March 2004 from 31 January 2004 to 31 March 2004.

Notice of extension to the scope to include environment was published in the APVMA Gazette on 14 August 2012.

Additional s 32 notices were sent to holders on 1 July 2015, 10 May 2016, 16 August 2017 and 4 October 2022 to include all approved active constituents, registered products and associated approved labels in the review.

Section 33 notices were sent to holders of selected agricultural products on 4 October 2022 to request residues and trade information. 

5. Assessment In Progress

5. Assessment

Phase status: In Progress

In June 2011, the APVMA released the component assessment reports along with the Preliminary Review Findings Report. This includes the toxicology, occupational health and safety and animal safety reports.

In July 2012, the APVMA released the environment scoping report along with the fipronil review scope document.

When all the component risk assessments have been completed, the proposed regulatory decisions will be drafted.

6. Proposed regulatory decision Forecasted

6. Proposed regulatory decision

Phase status: Forecasted

Publication of the proposed regulatory decision for agricultural products is expected 29 June 2025.

Publication of the proposed regulatory decision for veterinary products is expected 23 June 2025.

7. Consultation Forecasted

7. Consultation

Phase status: Forecasted

The legislated timeframe for consultation following publication of the proposed regulatory decision is 3 months.

8. Final regulatory decision Forecasted

8. Final regulatory decision

Phase status: Forecasted

Following the close of the public consultation period on the proposed regulatory decision and consideration of submissions received, the final regulatory decision will be published.

Publication of the final regulatory decision for agricultural products is expected 9 December 2025.

Publication of the final regulatory decision for veterinary products is expected 9 December 2025.

9. Implementation Forecasted

9. Implementation

Phase status: Forecasted

The implementation period will begin on the date the final regulatory decision is made.